“The only thing constant is change.”
~ Heraclitus, Greek philosopher
There’s no denying that life presents us with our fair share of challenges. Moving into your twenties, thirties, forties and beyond brings many changes – in location, in relationships, in responsibilities and in your understanding of yourself and your dreams. These changes can be exciting and fulfilling or, sometimes, daunting and scary. Either way, they can throw us into a tailspin.
Are you having a hard time moving through and past the emotional turmoil? Do you feel stuck? Do you need help getting back on track or moving ahead?
Change for the Better
Change, whether expected or a surprise, whether wanted or not, brings new opportunities and challenges. Both, the opportunities and challenges call for patience and creativity. It can take some time and work to understand what has happened and what the lay of this new land is. Then the creativity kicks in. Responding to the new situation lets us see what we’re made of, become stronger, more confident, and better prepared for what life may throw at us next. With each new challenge, we develop strengths and skills and a greater awareness of ourselves, our family and our communities.
“The days are long, but the years fly by.”
~ Anita Winsten
Common Life Transitions
Some of the most common life transitions we help clients navigate are:
- Moving out of home and into adulthood
- Getting married
- Having a baby
- Parenting
- Midlife: rethinking identity and direction
- Helping your aging parents
- Empty nest syndrome
- Retirement
- Career and financial change
- Relocation
- Medical illness or disability
- Aging and the changes it brings
- Death of a loved one
I’m here to lend that helping hand and offer a warm and encouraging environment where you can speak candidly and receive care, compassion and guidance.
If you or someone you love is struggling with a life transition, please get in touch. We can consider some treatment options. You don’t need to struggle alone.